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Rules: 4-1.4, 4-1.6, 4-2.1, and 4-8.4(d)
Client- Lawyer Relationship, Counselor, Maintaining the Integrity of the Profession
Communication, Confidentiality, Advisor, Misconduct
Subject: Litigation Loans
Summary: litigation loans pursuant to the Missouri Consumer Legal Funding Act
Rules: 4-1.6; 4-1.14; 4-2.1
Client-Lawyer Relationship
Confidentiality of Information
Client with Diminished Capacity
Subject: Confidentiality
Summary: client threatens suicide
Rules: 4-1.7; 4-2.1; 4-1.8; 4-5.7
Client-Lawyer Relationship
Conflict of Interest: Current Clients
Conflict of Interest: Prohibited Transactions
Subject: Conflict of Interest - Personal Interest; Conflict of Interest - Prohibited Transactions (see also Business Transaction with Client); Fees - Division of Fees; Law-Related Services (a.k.a. Ancillary Business)
Summary: referral fee agreement with company providing law-related services; conflict of interest