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Rules: 4-1.0; 4-1.6; 4-8.3; Court Operating Rule 2.02
Client-Lawyer Relationship; Maintaining the Integrity of the Profession
Terminology; Confidentiality of Information; Reporting Professional Misconduct
Subject: Confidentiality; Misconduct - Generally; Redaction; Reporting Misconduct of Another Lawyer
Summary: redaction requirements and duty to report professional misconduct
Rules: 4-5.4; 4-1.0
Law Firms and Associations
Client-Lawyer Relationship
Professional Independence of a Lawyer
Subject: Professional Independence of Lawyer
Summary: partnership with nonlawyer prohibited
Rules: 4-1.0; 4-8.3; 4-1.6
Maintaining the Integrity of the Profession
Client-Lawyer Relationship
Confidentiality of Information
Reporting Professional Misconduct
Subject: Reporting Misconduct of Judge
Summary: reporting judicial misconduct
Rules: 4-8.3; 4-8.4; 4-1.0; 4-1.6
Maintaining the Integrity of the Profession
Client-Lawyer Relationship
Reporting Professional Misconduct
Confidentiality of Information
Subject: Misconduct - Bias, Harassment, or Prejudice; Reporting Misconduct of Another Lawyer
Summary: reporting lawyer misconduct related to bias or prejudice
Rules: 4-1.9; 4-1.11; 4-1.0
Client-Lawyer Relationship
Duties to Former Clients
Special Conflicts of Interest for Former and Current Government Officers and Employees
Subject: Conflict of Interest - Former Client; Government Lawyers
Summary: conflicts when government entity contracts with private attorney
Rules: 4-1.0; 4-1.6; 4-1.7; 4-1.8; 4-1.13
Client-Lawyer Relationship
Confidentiality of Information
Conflict of Interest: Current Clients
Conflict of Interest: Prohibited Transactions
Organization as Client
Subject: Conflict of Interest - Representing Mulitiple Parties (a.k.a. Common or Dual Representation); Fees - Third Party Payee; Organizational Clients (see also Corporate Clients or Government Lawyers)
Summary: representing company and manager at the same time
Rules: 4-1.0; 4-1.10; 4-7.1
Client-Lawyer Relationship
Imputed Disqualification: General Rule
Information About Legal Services
Communication Concerning a Lawyer's Services
Subject: Of Counsel; Retirement (see also Inactive Status or Of Counsel)
Summary: elements of an Of Counsel relationship
Rules: 4-1.0; 4-1.2; 4-1.4; 4-8.4
Rules: 4-1.0; 4-1.4; 4-1.15
Client-Lawyer Relationship
Safekeeping Property
Subject: Credit Cards; Trust Accounts and Safekeeping Property
Summary: credit card processing fees
Rules: 4-1.10; 4-5.3; 4-1.0
Client-Lawyer Relationship
Law Firms and Associations
Imputed Disqualification: General Rule
Responsibilities Regarding Nonlawyer Assistants
Subject: Conflict of Interest - Imputed Disqualification; Screening
Summary: conflicts related to nonlawyer assistants; screening